Self-Love Ritual - “Date With Myself”

We all have those imaginary stories of how romantic it will be when we meet the right partner who will create this beautiful, romantic date and love us deeply. Nothing wrong with that, but let me ask you this question first:

”Have you ever dated yourself”? Have you loved yourself so deeply that you desire to spend quality time with yourself first?

You see for a decade I have been waiting for that “Mr. Right“ to come and WOW me, take me for dates and ravish me. But it was from a place of lack, where I was trying to fill the hole within me, where I am expecting someone else to give me what I don’t have yet.

And only past few years could I see where I was going wrong in attracting all those unavailable men because I myself was not feeling whole and complete because I didn’t love myself enough in the first place.

And when you are not WHOLE from within, you will always be NEEDY, waiting for someone to fill your cup.

What if we were taught that “the Mr / Ms. Right“ is YOU first? That

  • You gotta date yourself first

  • You gotta ravish and pleasure yourself first

  • You gotta get to know yourself first (what you love, who you are, what turns you on)

  • You gotta get conformable in being with yourself

Because then only the partner that comes to your life is not someone who is giving you what you DON’T have, filling your holes but is someone you share and celebrate the overflow of what you both already have.

Become your best lover first, date yourself, and get to know yourself first, ravish and worship yourself first. Because then you get to create & embody the blueprint of how you wanna be loved and treated first.

Here is a little ritual I started a few years ago and it changed me in ways I could not imagine - I call it “Date with Myself“. I go every Sunday religiously and because of this ritual I have given myself so much self awareness, time for self celebration and self love, but also helped me to give birth to my most amazing projects, including my coaching business. Give it a try, love ;)

How to prepare for a date with yourself

  1. Choose a place and try to keep the same place for your ritual (I love coffee shops with good coffee and a space that inspires me)

  2. Put on something that inspires you and prepare as you would do for your best date (yes, go wild, babe)

  3. Make it a big deal and make it your non-negotiable weekly meeting

What you can do on your date with yourself

If you are doing it for the first time

  1. Enjoy your coffee/tea/food with all your senses

  2. Start with journaling and writing 3 things you are proud of yourself for and 3 things you are grateful for in that week

  3. Read a book / listen to a good music

  4. Commit to something small for the week that sparks joy for you

What I do now

  1. Go to my favorite creative spot and get a cup of really good coffee

  2. Reflect on my previous week's goals and celebrate me for little things

  3. Set my “one thing“ for the upcoming week based on my yearly/quarterly goals and add it all to my tracking tool (reach out to me if you want me to share this tool I have built over the past years).

  4. Read a Book / Newsletters

Slowly you will find your own flow. Let me tell you that past 4 years my biggest projects, ideas, inspirations, and even my coaching business, all started and became real because of this weekly ritual I have been religiously committed to.

But what’s the most important here is that you dedicate time for yourself with yourself to make yourself feel love, celebrated and aligned.

Send me a message or tag me on IG when you go for a date with yourself. It has been 5 years of me doing this regularly to align with my weekly goals, celebrate myself, and set my “one thing of the coming week“.

And if you wish me to support you in building this habit first of all

  • going deeper into your values, your purpose, your visions, and dreams

  • breaking it down into small actionable steps toward the life you desire

  • holding your account and making it all happen

    Book me here for a free discovery coaching call, love. I’d be thrilled to guide you on this.

Love and wildness,


10 Tips for Healthy Relationship