Reclaim Your Feminine Power

Do You Ever Feel Tired Of Trying To Be Someone You’re Not?

For centuries, women have been put in boxes of how we should look, how we should express ourselves, and how we should contribute to this world. The pressure we face from society and ourselves can leave us feeling as if we are just not enough.

Since day 1, you’ve been taught how to fit into a world designed for men. You’ve been taught how to get sh*t done. You’ve been taught how to be the best lover, wife, mother, employee, and how to look sexy (but not TOO sexy) while doing it all. And if you fail at any of these - you’re taught to be ashamed.

But that’s not your fault. You weren’t aware that there could be another way.

It’s only when you break free from who you are “supposed” to be, that you can unlock who you are capable of becoming.

It’s time for you to find your magic, the gift you’re destined to give to the world. The unconditional acceptance of your body, sexuality, and yourself. Because you deserve to be deeply in love with yourself and your life every single day.

Sister, I Am Here To Help You Reclaim Your Inner Feminine Power

Introducing A Unique Coaching Program To Empower Your Feminine And Set You Free

This one-on-one coaching program will take you on an eye-opening and enlightening journey into your divine feminine power.

Whether you’re struggling to love your body, express yourself fully, or embrace your feminine energy in a workplace that asks you to shut it down… I’m here to help you reconnect with the woman you were before the world told you who to be.

Over this journey together, we’ll dive deep into the mental blocks and beliefs that hold you back from accessing your femininity, expressing your sexuality, or experiencing the level of connection with yourself and your loved ones.

After each 1-hour session, I will give you tailor-made practices, you can use to cultivate an extraordinary level of self-love, inner confidence, and clarity of who you are and what kind of life you want to live.

If you’re feeling lost, looking for love, or you just want to reconnect with your sensuality… By the end of these coaching sessions, you will walk away ready to take on the world as the Unapologetically Untamed Woman you’ve always been deep down.

Book Me For A Free Discovery Call

Meet Your Coach

About Sira

After travelling 41 countries, facilitating 50+ personal growth programs at one of the world’s biggest transformational education company and helping over 200 women reclaim their right to be exactly who they are through coaching and workshops... It’s still hard to believe where it all started.

Growing up in a traditional household in Armenia, I felt completely disconnected with my sexuality, my body, and my femininity. I felt ashamed of it all. After years of soul-searching through 40+ countries and countless trainings, I am on a journey of rememebring who I am.

My heroine’s jounrey started 7 years ago when I left my 9 to 6 banking job for India. I immersed myself in Tantra Workshops, Osho Retreats, BaliSpirit Festivals, Vipassana, Teacher Trainings and Coaching Certifications that made me the untamed, wild woman I am today.

In 2018, I founded She Circle at Mindvalley to give women a safe space to express themselves with no filters.

I’ve taken all of this knowledge and wrapped it up into a powerful coaching program to help women reignite the fiery feminine power inside and remember how divine they truly are.

You Might Have Seen Me At

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Woman Coached

She Circle

Founder of She Circle at Mindvalley


Mindvalley Programs Facilitated


Countries Traveled

Book Me For A Free Discovery Call

What You’ll Gain

  • Rise in love with your Body: Finally, feel at home in your body and own your sexuality. Release shame, guilt, and tap into a new level of self-acceptance.

  • Reconnect With Your Inner Power: Gain the confidence to speak up and show up in the world exactly as you are - unfiltered, unapologetic, intuitive, and wild.

  • Embody True Self-Love: Rediscover your own value as a woman and all the divine gifts you’re destined to give to the world (simply by being you).

  • Experience Profound Clarity: Get completely clear on who you are, what you want to do, how you want to live, and what kind of woman you want to become.

  • Walk Away With Tools To Live Your Desired Life: Find that sweet spot between masculine action & feminine surrender and live your purpose.

This Is For You If You Are…

  • Questioning the cage you were put in

  • Looking for deeper meaning in your life

  • Ready to release limiting beliefs that are holding your back from a life your desire

  • Ready to liberate yourself and embrace your sexuality without shame

  • Exploring your pleasure as a doorway to awakening and spiritual growth

  • Redefining your identity, your core values and realising who you really are deep down

  • Ready to live life on your own terms

Follow My Journey


Book me for a free discovery coaching session